The term “acupuncture” sometimes refers to - you guessed it - the physical act of acupuncture; hair-thin needles placed into specific, electrically active points on the body.

But more often “acupuncture” is a simple shorthand for the complex, functional healthcare system of Chinese medicine that involves a holistic evaluation + pattern diagnosis which yields a customized plan of herbs, nutrition, supplements and lifestyle medicine.

In Chinese medicine, we ask “why is this happening?” and evaluate your whole health — that means everything from head to toe, from way-back-when to present day. 

Acupuncture is really good at addressing health issues that you wouldn’t necessarily run to your doctor for; and if you did, the answer would be lifestyle related (something like change your diet, decrease stress or the like).

We are really good at filling in the deficiencies for Western Medicine and often address:

    • pain (acute, chronic + supporting rehab efforts)

    • digestive issues

    • sleeping issues

    • anxiety + depression

    • hormone imbalances

    • fertility + all stages of women’s health

    • dermatology 

    • stress related conditions

holistic evaluation

Our in-depth session — designed to help you (and me) learn the most about your health. This session is the best place to start if you have a specific health issue that’s been a challenge for you.

We’ll use the extra time to look at your routine, make new suggestions, and develop a personalized care plan. We’ll also spend time answering any questions you have so you get the most out of your time with our team — and with any other health service you use. 


Our to-the-point session is best for acute pain. You can also consider it when you

  • You have something specific to address (you want to focus on your neck strain and not talk about your poop) 

  • You don’t want a full evaluation, you don’t need a full evaluation, or you don’t know why you would need one. 

  • You want to dip your toe in.

home visit

Can’t travel to us? Just don’t feel like it?

(Must have a personal referral or a referral through one of our concierge partners).